Thursday, February 25, 2021

Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths, Part B


Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907).

The Two Brothers story was wild. 

I didn’t know there were panther in Egypt, or that they were used to describe anger. It's a good note to fit in an appropriate analogy. 

How often did Ra give women to people?

Why did Bata become a Bull?

Why do women keep plotting to kill Bata?

What the heck was that story? I’m not sure if there was a meaning to it….

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths, Part A

Ra-Horakhty, a combined deity of Horus and Ra

Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907).

The ancients held the sun as a god and the creator of life, which is true in a sense.

It is interesting that the Egyptians believed that the world was initially water like the Native Americans.

It is interesting how many different cultures held true or secret names as powerful.

I guess 7000 jars are enough to get a god drunk, good to know. I like that if the Nile floods red they offer beer to Hathor.

 There are several poisonous reptiles in Egypt, so it makes sense that the people would glorify “magicians” that can protect them.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Reading Notes: THE ILIAD, Part B

The Death of Hector by Peter Paul Rubens

 Homer's Iliad by AJ Chuch

After Patroclus fell both sides fought over the body and arms with Hector succeeding is stripping Achilles arms from him. True to the lioness upon his shield Ajax stood before the stripped body of Patroclus and fought back Hector and the Trojans. After a fight with Glaucus, Hector rushes to put on the armour of Achilles and return to battle, upon seeing this Zeus states that it will cost him.


As the fight for the body intensified Menelaüs sent for Achilles, telling him that Patroclus and the Trojans were trying to take his body. Hearing about the death of Patroclus he wept, for he was the friend that Achilles loved above all others.  Thetis hears his cries and asks what is wrong. Achilles tells her about the death and that the only thing he wants is to kill Hector and avenge his friend. She reminds him that when Hector dies, he will swiftly follow him. In his grief he didn’t care about death, only vengeance.


Even with Apollo’s help Hector cannot escape from Achilles, he is chased 3 times around the city. When Hector finally decides to fight him, it is a good fight, but Achilles strikes for a weak point in the armour Patroclus was wearing. (Maybe wearing the armour you took from a dead guys isn’t very smart)

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Reading Notes: THE ILIAD, Part A

Thetis immersing her son Achilles in Water of River Styx by Antoine Borel

Homer's Iliad by AJ Chuch

I knew the story of how Paris carried off Helen, but I didn’t know he also took gold and gems. I think it would make a great mini heist movie to start an epic Hollywood remake of Homer’s Iliad.

Why can’t they stop stealing women?

Agamemnon stole the daughter of the priest of Apollo, out of everyone why would you mess with somebody connected to a god? So, Apollo bring a plague upon them, their prophet counsels them to give her back with an offering to Apollo. Agamemnon throws a hissy fit and Achilles tries to offer a compromise.

THEN he gets mad at Achilles and takes Briseïs from him. Achilles best warrior in Greece, son of Thetis… a goddess of the sea. You think he would learn.

 Thetis goes to Zeus and guilt trips him into helping restore Achilles honor.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Week 2 Reading Overview

Choose from CLASSICAL and/or BIBLICAL units for Weeks 3 and 4.

Week 3: Homer's Iliad

Week 4: Cupid and Psyche

Choose from MIDDLE EASTERN and/or INDIAN units for Weeks 5 and 6.

Week 5: Ancient Egypt

Week 6: Sindbad

Choose from ASIAN and/or AFRICAN units for Weeks 7 and 9. [Week 8 is review week.]

Week 7: Japanese Mythology

Week 9: Lang

Choose from NATIVE AMERICAN units for Weeks 10 and 11.

Week 10: Alaska
Week 11: Inuit (Eskimo)

Choose from BRITISH and/or CELTIC units for Weeks 12 and 13.

Week 12: Celtic Tales
Week 13: Welsh (Emerson)

Choose from EUROPEAN units for Weeks 14 and 15.

Week 14: Inferno
Week 15: Decameron

I am excited to read about Japanese Mythology! I've visited a few shrines and been to some festivals, so I am excited to see if there is anything I recognize in the myths.

I wish that the Native American unit had a section for Choctaw, I am currently taking Choctaw 3 and we have only covered a few cultural myths.

I had to choose a printing of the The Great Wave, it is probably the most iconic wood block print from Japan. It still impacts classic Japanese tattoos today.

Time Strategies

To be successful this semester I will have to work more than a week in advanced, which will be a struggle for me. I usually finish assignments no more than a day early. I can't really do that with my schedule this semester, I have 3 of my hardest classes back to back to back without a break. With that being said there is no way to complete a task right before class and I can't realistically wait till the night before to do 3 classes worth of work.

11 Ways Unsuccessful People mismanage Their Time by Áine Cain

This article felt like I was being called out. I have several of these bad habits,  but I hope that by reminding myself of these bad habits I can focus on changing them.

How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb

I am a huge procrastinator, if the University had a degree for it I would have graduated years ago. I liked this article because Caroline Webb talks about how humans are wired for procrastination. I really need to work on my cost benefit analysis of getting things done ahead of time.

Stop Wasting Time
Source: Pixabay

Wednesday, February 3, 2021


 I like to read a lot online so I knew that WordPress could be used for blog posts, but I didn't know it let you make your own website.


Okay, so the coolest most helpful trick I've learned in college is how to use google to search a specific site for something. Say there was a site with every myth ever called, if you wanted to find myths about wolves specifically you could type: wolves

That would force google to search that site for every mention of wolves on the site. It is a really good tool to use if you know what you want to see on a site but can't figure out how to navigate to it.

Google on a MacBook 
Source: Pixabay


 I can't wait to read more myth and folklore. I've always loved to read an part of the reason I took this class was to be exposed to new culture and myths outside of the Greek and Roman norm. It will also be interesting to see what everyone else chooses and their thoughts on the topics.

Source: Pixabay

Growth Mindset

Learning at OU has taught me a lot about myself and learning ability. Honestly, I struggle with being a bit of a perfectionist and anxiety, it is easier with more hands-on thing, but I struggle with more open-ended conceptual learning. I often find myself writing paragraphs over and over again, trying to find the perfect way to write something. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve turned in rough drafts and then rewritten the entire thing because I hatred it. I have started to grow more on this front due to one of the friends I made here at OU. She is a creative writing major and she told me that every time I want to delete a sentence I should copy it into another word document, because it might not fit where I want it, but it could work later in my writing.

This class is the class I am most worried about this semester, when I signed up for it, I thought it would be more focused on mythology. I was extremely intimidated by the concept of creating a blog. I hope I can use what I learned from my creative writing major friend to help me in this class.

A growth mindset embraces challenges.

Introduction to an "Old" Sailor

I graduated high school back in 2011 and I knew I wasn’t ready for college. I was going stir crazy I wanted excitement and adventure, I didn’t want to sit in more classrooms day after day. So, I joined the US Navy. I know that might sound totally out of left field, but I am 4th generation Navy, so I had a good idea of what I was getting into…

I signed my contract the summer of junior year, and it was oddly liberating. I never experience that mad college enrollment scramble; I never had faced the anxiety of opening that letter to see if I was accepted. I was already in I knew where I was going. I was a cocky kid at 18, but aren’t we all, I asked them for the most academically difficult program they had. I was going to be a Nuclear Engineer.


The funny thing about Nuclear Engineer is that it takes 2 years of school to become one…. Remember when I said I wasn’t ready for college? I still wasn’t. The Navy’s Nuclear School is a bit like going to college in prison. Imagine going to school for 8 hours straight in one room with no windows and if you had homework it had to be done in the same room. No information could leave the secured building, so if you needed to study before an exam you would have to do it there. This was pretty much my nightmare. I wanted out; I had joined for adventure not this. After a bit of struggling and a lot of paperwork I was able to transfer to a new job outside of nuclear engineering. My first real duty station was Japan, I was finally starting the adventure I had envisioned! I loved Japan and I loved my new job aboard the USS George Washington.


USS George Washington (CVN-73)
Source: Wikipedia

I had my excitement and adventure, but I knew I still wanted to attend college. So, after almost 8 years I left the Navy and came to OU. Honestly it was rough at first, I had seen the world and worked in the Navy this whole time. Coming to college at 25 isn’t too extreme, but it was definitely a shift from what I was used to. Even now, a few years later I feel like I am still finding myself both outside of the Navy and student in college. Each semester is now like a small adventure I learn and grow from.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Storybook Favorites


This blog immediately pulled me in because it is a about a topic that I am very familiar with. Dragons are such a prevalent mythological creature in fantasy genre that it would be hard to find someone that hasn’t heard of them. I like that the layout is very simple and easy to navigate. The alternate not quite ending is an interesting way to start a story. I liked the nontraditional dragon aspect and it was cool to see major gods from different pantheons show up.

Dungeons and Decisions

This blog is amazingly creative! First, I like that the naming convention changes the normal D&D just a bit, it’s a simple nod to the types of stories held within. Secondly, I never would have even imagined that could set up a blog this way with the branching story paths. The introduction did a good job of briefly describing D&D. It was interesting to see the story spread over several pages; I am not sure I could replicate this, but it is and interesting idea to keep in mind when setting up my own site. Again, I just love the way it uses a nontraditional way to tell the stories.


This blog also covers a topic of mythology that has become widespread, Werewolves. The introduction is very thorough, it covers the most common myth and goes into the various different myths from around the world. I like that it didn’t just choose the easy route and stick to the most popular myth. The story book was easy to navigate and I loved that they used a different picture to set the mood of each story. If I do a story book with different tones, I want to replicate this so that the mood is apparent as soon as someone navigates to each specific story.

Japan, My Favorite Place


The coolest place I have lived has to be Japan. I've moved around quite a bit, but the first time I moved to another country was in the summer of 2012. It was such a shock to exit the plane and suddenly immersed in a different culture. I absolutely loved Japan and still wish I could visit my old house there.

A personal picture of my house in Japan.

Reading Notes: The Voyages of Sinbad, Part B

  The Old Man of the Sea , Monro Scott Orr (1923) The Arabian Nights' Entertainments   by Andrew Lang   (1898). Almost everyone who star...